This summer, paint your exteriors white

When you close your eyes and picture a home; the warm welcome of white invites you in. Eternally peacefully, white encloses all things wonderfully serene. A home built in white stands true to this.
A universally beloved shade for homes, white is also perhaps an underdog of sorts. Though adored by all, it has become a bottom-line choice for most. Read on to understand why this summer, you should paint your exteriors in white.

1) Peace out

This is the most evident of all reasons, thus being the first. Every person who loves white will love it specifically for one reason – white is a very peaceful shade. In terms of how it makes you feel while looking at the shade, wearing it, painting it; white is incredibly serene to witness.

This is the wonderful outcome of painting your walls yellow.

2) Shining bright like a diamond

Here is something nobody tells you when you go paint shopping – white brings out the light! Yes, you read that right. White always makes sure your walls are well lit. Whichever part of your wall your sunlight hits will sparkle wondrously; which isn’t something that other colours do. So if you love how sunlight dances on your white fence; imagine glimmering sunlight across your walls! Yes, that is how lovely white can make your walls look.

3) It is all about the space

You might have heard that white walls make a room appear more spacious. But did you know that something similar applies to your exteriors as well? White walls actually make your house appear to be larger from the outside as well.

Surprised? Compare a brightly painted home to a white-walled home. The difference would be evident, and you would realise the magic of white!

4) Crisp and clean!

Excuse us, but every home has to look neat and welcoming. If you want such a home, white is your go-to paint choice! Not only does this colour make your house look clean; but also gives the visitors the impression of a very well-maintained home. And that is all you want, isn’t it?

A clean exterior is a strong first impression. Such first impressions can be made easily using a coat of white paint.

5) Splashes of colour

White gives you the space to go crazy. Didn’t understand? Well, simply put – if you use white paint for your exteriors; it means you have the capacity and the bandwidth to increase the colours and use multi-varied hues for your other decoration. A colourful fence perhaps, or maybe a splash of colour across your mailbox? You can do whatever you want because the mellowness associated with white will bring out all the other colours.

6) The Climate!

The largest risk in choosing your paint shade is what could happen during a sweltering climate change! Always remember; fun colours are fun only for awhile. What matters more is how your home feels during the summer. We have always noticed that neutral and mild shades, such as white, are always much better during a hot summer. During the other climates; your house’s exteriors don’t matter quite as much as during summer. So always keep this under consideration.

The universe’s rainbow palette has wonderful colours. Each colour has multiple hues. When you build a home, you put so much thought behind the colours and when given so many options; it is incredibly difficult and taxing to pick one. So it is always extremely important to be cautious and choose the right colour for your home. Remember, your choice goes a long way. With a colour like white, there is no con associated.


Especially when you would like to shake your home’s billowing cloak for the summer, you just know that white is the best choice for you! Bring out the serenity of your home. Wash your exteriors with white this summer. Choose from our range of exterior wall paints and fall in love with your home all over again.
Have a look at our range of colour options with Safeguard 100% Acrylic Emulsion, superior quality water-based wall paint by Jenson & Nicholson.